华夏南部于2019年2月被批准成为可以为志愿者验证义工服务时间并颁发美国“总统义工奖 ” 的单位。
总统义工奖(The President's Volunteer Service Award)是全美最高荣誉的义工服务奖,鼓励美国居民,特别是年轻一代为社区义务服务。有兴趣了解或者加入者,请和TA总监王晖(TA@hxsouth.org) 联系。
本校在读五岁以上的学生和成年志愿者 (系美国公民或绿卡持有者)皆可申请。评 审工作每年进行一次, 秋季开学开始申请, 报名十月底截止。
报名的志愿者应在“总统义工奖”的官方网站注册其个人账户, 并通过报名时学校提供的ROS KEY与学校账户相连接。 学校对每个报名的志 愿者建立档案并跟踪该志愿者在一年内的服务时间。 学校在次年九月份完 成审核。如报名的志愿者在 12 个月内达到以下要求的服务时间,华夏中文中文学校将应本人要求 为该自愿者申请相应的总统义工奖。
华夏南部中文学校的总统义工奖年度从9月1日至次年8月31日。 申请人在申请年度内至少有三分之二的出勤时间或者 40小时是为中文学校工作, 每次其在 校服务时间以学校官方签到记录为准。对于在华夏南部中文学校以外的义务服务时间,申请人需提供相应的有志愿活动组织人员或负责人员签名的证明文件。
1. 参与教学: 所有不拿薪水的教学,其上课时间可 记入社区义务服务活动时间
2. 助教: 所有不拿薪水的助教可认为参与学校社区义务服务活动。其助课时间可 记入社区义务服务活动时间
3. 凡参加学校春节联欢,毕业典礼,才艺表演和社区活动(如华夏田径和智力运动会, 华夏辩论赛, Multi-Cultural Day, Marlboro Day, Senior Day, Marlboro Parade等)演出或服务,其时间可记入社区义务服务活动时间。
4. 学校支教活动:凡参加中文学校支教或相关活动,如募捐,义卖,其 时间可记入社区义务服务活动时间。
Huaxia South Chinese School was approved as a certifying organization of President's Volunteer Service Award in February 2019.
The award is a civil award bestowed by the President of the United States. It can be granted to individuals, families and organizations located throughout the United States. For more information, please contact TA Director Sarah Wang(TA@hxsouth.org).
Students and adult volunteers (U.S. citizens or green card holders) who are over the age of five can apply. The review is conducted once a year and applications start at the beginning of a new school year, with registration ending at the end of October.
Volunteers who sign up should register their personal account on the official PVSA website and connect to the school account by the ROS KEY provided by the school at the time of registration. The school establishes a file for each volunteer who has signed up and tracks the volunteer's service time within a year. The school completed its review in September of the following year.
For volunteer service hours outside Huaxia South School, the applicant is required to provide the corresponding supporting documents signed by the volunteer organization or responsible person.
The community volunteer service activities at Huaxia South school include:
The school will recognize the winners at the year-end general meeting and award certificates and medals.
Huaxia South Chinese School President's Volunteer Award Regulations English
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