您的捐赠和赞助将有助于我校的进一步发展! 目前,我校除了孩子们中文课和文化课的教育活动以外,还开展了丰富多彩的各种小孩和成人活动。您在捐赠时可以注明您捐赠的目的和用途,以支持学校的各项活动。您也可以向我们学校捐赠教学或学校管理所需物品,或是发给学生的奖品等等。
向学校捐款、捐物的公司、机构或个人都可以对捐赠部分免交联邦税。现在不少公司鼓励雇员捐款或者做义工,为非盈利机构提供Donation Match或者Volunteer Hour Match, 请大家向公司了解一下。 如果您需要,我们学校将出具所需证明。
1. 联邦TAX ID:(请联系校长信箱:principal@hxsouth.org)
2. 我们学校的联系地址:
Huaxia South Chinese School
PO Box 410
Marlboro, NJ 07746
如果您有任何疑问, 请与学校联系: principal@hxsouth.org
Your donations can make a difference! You can either donate for general school activities or designate your donations to specific purposes. We also welcome items that can be used in teaching or school management, as well as awards for students.
As an individual or as a company, your donations to the school are tax deductible. For companies that match employees' donation to non-profit organizations, we would be more than happy to provide the required documents upon your requests.
Here is the information you might need for making donations to our school:
1. Our school's Federal Tax ID: 20-401-3313
2. Our school's postal address:
Huaxia South Chinese School
PO Box 410
Marlboro, NJ 07746
If you have any questions, please contact us at principal@hxsouth.org.
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